E-Newsletter for October, 2015

Major Activities of Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of October 2015 were QIS participates in the 32nd International Conferenceon ‘Building Quality and Safety in the HealthcareSystem’, Technical Advisory Group meets on the M&E, Meets Work Improvement Team at Kalihati UHC, Workshop on M&E framework for Quality of Care in health service delivery, Involves in MPDR National Guideline Devlopement, Workshop on “Introduction to Systemic Quality Improvement – The Role of Evaluating Healthcare Quality” by GiZ Bangladesh, Participated in Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference.

E-Newsletter for September, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of September 2015 were Staff orientation of 5S-CQI-TQM at Kalihati UHC, Tangail; Jhenaidah hospital QIC meeting, QIS participation in a workshop on ‘Participatory Quality of Care monitoring visit’ in private sector hospital, ShSMCH Quality Improvement Committee
meeting, Meeting with Development Partner (GIZ), Meeting on MPDR National Guideline Preparation

E-Newsletter for August, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of August 2015: Participation in Every Mother Every Newborn (EMEN) ‘Care around the time of Birth’, MNH Quality Improvement Workshop in Tanzania, Participation in ‘International Training course on Universal Health Coverage’ in Thailand, Conduction of orientation workshop at Kalihati Upazila Health Complex, Organize planning workshop on MPDR national guideline
development, Participation in BENAP consultation workshop, Provide orientation and follow-up activities in Shaheed
Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Facilitate assessment process and action plan development by the QI committees in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital.

QIS Newsletter, August 2015

E-Newsletter for July, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of July 2015: Dissemination workshop on ‘Strategic Planning on Quality of care for Health Service Delivery in Bangladesh’, TQM workshop at Barisal Medical College Hospital, Technical Advisory Group meeting on ‘Key Performance Indicator’ development, Provide orientation and follow-up activities in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Develop different checklists for assessment by QI committees in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Facilitate assessment process and action plan development by the QI committees in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Develop questionnaire for conduction of ‘Client Satisfaction Survey’ at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital &
Develop templates for ‘Mapping Exercise’ on implementation of QI activities nationwide by different organizations.

QIS Newsletter, July 2015

E-Newsletter for June, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of June 2015: Divisional Dissemination Workshops (Khulna, Chittagong, Rajshahi) held on Strategic Planning on Quality of Care for Health Service Delivery in Bangladesh and provide direction on committee formation at different levels of health facilities,  TQM workshop in Srilanka, Collection of list of recently formed committee from Specialized Hospitals and Medical College Hospitals in Dhaka city as a continuation of introducing QI activities in their facilities, Collection of list of recently formed committee from health facilities of different tiers across country as a continuation of introducing QI activities in their facilities, Planning meetings held on ShSMCH prior beginning 5s program, Ongoing analysis of quality initiative related information by different agencies as a part of stock taking.

QIS Newsletter, June 2015

E-Newsletter for May, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of May 2015 Technical Advisory Group continue developing National Monitoring Framework, Collection of recently formed committee composition from Specialized Hospitals and Medical College Hospitals in Dhaka city as a continuation of introducing QI activities in their facilities,
Meetings with Technical Working Group on reviewing and adopting EMEN clinical standards, Collection and analysis of quality initiatives related information by different agencies as a part of stock taking initiative. Printing process of recently formed National Strategy on Quality of care is ongoing & Meetings on Web-site designing and development for Quality Improvement Secretariat was also done.

QIS Newsletter, May 2015

E-Newsletter for April, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of April 2015: Technical Advisory Group (TAG) continue developing National Monitoring Framework, Meetings to sensitize focal persons from Specialized
Hospitals and Medical College Hospitals in Dhaka city as a continuation of introducing QI activities in their
facilities, Meetings with Technical Working Group on reviewing and adopting EMEN clinical standards, Collection and analysis of quality initiatives related information by different agencies as a part of stocktaking initiative,  Completion of reviewing the strategy and initiation of printing process.

QIS Newsletter, April 2015 (1)

QIS Newsletter, April 2015 (2)

E-Newsletter for March, 2015

Major activities of the Quality Improvement Secretariat in the month of March 2015

Develop the monitoring framework including tools for the national use. In this regards two Technical Advisory Group meetings have been organized and a draft of M& E framework is in a process to be developed.

Stock taking activities were ongoing and tools and materials used for the quality improvement in facilities have been collected for further analysis. The individual organizations were visited and the QI focal persons have been consulted for further input in the analysis.

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E-Newsletter for February, 2015

Quality is an integral part of health care as the goal of health care is to provide these delicate services of high quality to all who need them. In every country and at all time in the history of health care, quality improvement remains a major focus, and every system has been striving for improvement of health care quality. This has become more important with the growth of knowledge and technologies in health care, as well as growing awareness and public pressure for improved services.

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